Meditation is the foundation upon which we build all
conscious evolution
Consciousness Courses
Our consciousness coursework involves the education around the conscious development of the human being and all that is involved in that process. This begins with the process of meditation-which brings the interconnection and allowance of the mind, body and soul to become one within the whole system...leading to increased awareness, and being in a state that is fully conducive to increase and maintain clarity.
This leads to development, and ultimately evolution.
The Mental Clarity Challenge
This program is undergoing revision based on testing and no further participants are being accepted at this time.
This is a challenge to detox your mind from distraction and gain mental clarity in order to focus on your priorities.
This challenge entails both a detoxification of your mental faculties through cognitive fasting, focus upon the body for health and healing, as well as daily exercises and lessons and/or guided meditations that will take approximately 20-45 minutes per day.
People that have taken the challenge have responded that after completing it they have a better and more clear focus on being grateful and loving towards well as eradicating some habitual negative thinking patterns!
Are you for the challenge?
The Grounding Series
This program is undergoing revision based on testing and no further participants are being accepted at this time.
To be the first step in obtaining
Self-Mastery...leading to all that your soul has intended for you to experience and expand upon your own personal path of Conscious Evolution.
Being grounded is a concept that is taught throughout ALL of the course work here at UCE. And this is because it is FOUNDATIONAL to living a conscious lifestyle.
This mini-Course will teach you what it means to be grounded...why it's important to be grounded, how to get MORE grounded...and how to overcome the typical obstacles that come with grounding practices. And pretty much everything you need to know about your ROOT chakra and how to open it.
It also includes multiple guided meditations to ease you into your grounding practice.