I am an experienced reiki master with decades of research around the integrative and healing arts, wellness modalities and teachings, extensive experience with hands on healing as well as online energy work and readings. I also have a certification as an NLP Life coach and experience as a meditation instructor in both an individual and group dynamic.
About Me
as a healer

Working through the chakras is what I do to keep the awareness building and self-healing processes manageable and stable so that you can make consistent progress on your goals, while still keeping your life in stable order. The soul's progression of healing and evolving the self often come in steps...that if you pay close attention...align directly in the order of the typical flow of consciousness throughout these centers... and if one or more get blocked...your energy- your thoughts, emotions, and biofield dynamic are also going to be blocked in one or more ways.
And identifying these blocks just happens to be one of my specialties. :)
Using meditation, consciousness tools and some NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) coaching techniques, we will find a unique strategy and tools that work for you to come back into balance yo heal your chakras...and heal your life.
Energy Healing Runs Deep...
Working With Me means Working with a Healer that has:
The ability to set the space and meet a client at their needs for the environment and the energy within to be conducive for their utmost relaxation and healing needs.
The ability to quickly think of thorough and dynamic NLP statements or mantras that allow the brain to rewire itself in positive ways with consistent practice. This aids and allows for reprogramming negative thought patterns, turning bad habits into good ones with easy step by step instructions based on a model inspired by gradual behaviorism.
The Reiki and Integrative healing arts, to include esoteric modalities and knowledge of symbolism and cycles with the ability to integrate that knowledge into something that is relevant and simple to integrate with easy steps.
Easily Identifying places within the body and the energy field where old energy, trauma, or stuck emotion is hampering a person's ability to function in healthy and sustainable ways and the ability to advise them on the ways in which to work through their healing- physically, mentally, emotionally and/or spiritually when and only when appropriate and desired by the client to "go there".
Ability to integrate techniques of meditation, and neuro-linguistic programming life coaching techniques fluidly and appropriately throughout healing sessions.
Extensive knowledge from decades of research, study, and practice of meditation and the human energy system (ie the chakras) and the energy field (ie auric field).
The ability to quickly & intuitively know what a client needs as a tool, method, or healing modality for their situation and what they can take home with them to work on before their next session.
The ability to intuitively connect with a client, building a bridge of communication so I can meet them where they are at...and lead them to healing in compassionate and gentle ways.
Extensive knowledge from decades of research, study, and practice of meditation and the human energy system (ie the chakras) and the energy field (ie auric field).
The ability to quickly & intuitively know what a client needs as a tool, method, or healing modality for their situation and what they can take home with them to work on before their next session, creating motivated return-clients.

Heal your Chakras with Guidance and Coaching with Kendra Soleil
You will also receive access to the Chakras course with any multiple session package purchase
Receive the sooth...
Energy Healing with Kendra Soleil
The Energy Healing Sessions with Kendra Soleil are exclusive to selection due to the time and energy it requires for me to recover from them. This is why I am selective in who I work with as a way to respect everyone's time, money, and energy. Sessions will be booked with a minimum of two sessions to be sure I can follow up with you after your healing and make adjustments as necessary.
Thanks for Understanding
Don't Forget! Be sure to book your client interview BEFORE booking a healing package to get your booking approved asap!
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Kendra Soleil
Meditation Teacher, Certified NLP Life Coach, Integrative Energy Healer, Reiki Master and Conscious Living Consultant
With decades worth of research, study and practice of the meditation and self-mastery arts and modalities, Kendra Soleil is a well-rounded and grounded healer and coach.
You find Kendra's work at UCE in the human energy system section of the Beginning Course for Meditation, Psionics and Self-Mastery, the Chakras Course, and the Clarity Program.
Her specialties include:
-Bringing out the best You.
This is my goal here. Not to change you. Not to tell you what you're doing wrong...but to tell you what you're doing right and BUILD on it.
-Psionic Readings. Building Accuracy through awareness
-Teaching and assisting the processes of self-healing leading to self-actualization through conscious awareness and loving and balanced self-mastery concepts. You can't heal till it's real. We can work through acceptance of the hard stuff together and make life better than it's ever been!
-Working through the chakras to science the energetics factors and variables in order to assess

the full perspective of the situation at hand. We do it this way so that we can see it...rather than close our eyes and face the feelings. Ick. I hate doing it that way.
This keeps it organized AND manageable for your life, and when done right give you the time to prepare for anything disruptive.
-Helping you see a broader perspective, the bigger picture, ...or maybe just a detail you missed...Nuff said.
-Psionic Reader's Guidance and Assistance...
Tips, tools and guidance on how to hone your reading skills to get the most accurate assessment that you can.
-Healing from Abusive/Narcissistic Relationships
-Deprogramming cult and religious thinking
-Identifying patterns and breaking negative cycles
-Identifying and healing emotional blocks due to unhealed trauma

My UCE Courses
